What to say after apology accepted? Accepting an apology is much more powerful than offering an apology. You’ll almost certainly find yourself in circumstances when someone is apologizing to you, and although you want to accept their apology, you also want them to understand that things aren’t fine and that…
Month: April 2021

35 Words of Comfort for A Grieving Family to Recover Soon
Words of comfort for a grieving family are really inspiring. The ability to detect and understand the emotions of others is referred to as cognitive empathy. Cognitive empathy, also known as empathic accuracy, is having a better understanding of the contents of another person’s mind, including how they feel from…

13 Ayn Rand Quotes Interesting on Government System
Ayn Rand quotes on government are here. Literary reviewers have conflicting feelings about Rand’s novels. Academic philosophers have usually disregarded or dismissed her philosophy because of her polemical style and lack of methodological rigor, despite the fact that academic interest in her views has risen after her death. Her articles…